Expanded Researching on Knowledge Discovery System
摘要: 在总结和分析目前基于数据库的知识发现的理论、技术和方法现状的基础上,对知识发现的发展趋势进行了探索.介绍了在作者先前提出的基于双库协同机制的知识发现理论的基础上,就整个知识发现过程的机理、KDD扩展性结构和运行机制所进行的深入研究.Abstract: Based on the summarizing and analyzing of the theory of knowledge discover in database and the actuality of technological method, the trend of knowledge discovery in discussed and introduced the mechanism of total data mining process, researching in expansible structure and algorithm of KDD, and serially developing of software, according to the thetory of double base cooperation.