Cistribution of Discontinuities on Daye Iron Pit and Stability Analysis to Its End Slopes
Graphical Abstract
Based on the field investigations and analysis of data obtained, it is evident that the distribution of discontinuities on this pit is considerably identified with the rigional geostructure distribution and may be explained clearly with the geostructural pressure field on this rigion.
The stability of the end Slopes, i.e.concave slopes has been analysed with modelling and by means of the finite element method in axial symmetry system. A new method, called 3-D. column method,is proposed with which the stability of the potential failure body in arbitrary configr-ations may be analysed. With this 3-DC the end effect on the failure bod-has been analysed and the slope stability with a range of horizontal curvature radiuses have been calculated. Results obtained show the relationship between the slope safety and curvature radiuses is given by F=a+b/(R0/H0) as R/H<2.