Electroplating from Molten Salts Part Ⅰ. Electrochemical Nucleation with Diffusion Controlled Growth
Some methods for controlling the quality of electroplates can be found out by making study on electrochemical nucleation and growth,which are of importance for electroplating from molten salts
The basic relations between electrochmical nucleation and growth used to be derived from those of gas-Liquid ani liquid-solid phase transformations. In this paper, the thermodynamic relations between electrochemical nucleation and growth arc derived using the general condition of equilibrium between two simple charged phaser,i. e. the electrochemical potentials between themare eqtat to each other, and a equation of nuelous density is got based on statistic theorv. Potentiostatie traasients for hemispherical nicleation with diffusion coatroiled growth are also developed by making use of hemispherical diffusion equation of ions in solution.