New Ultrafine Crystalline Fe-base Soft Magnetic Alloy with Superior Propeties
Graphical Abstract
The properties and microstructure of Fe73.5Nb3Cu1Si13.5B9 new ultrafine crystalline soft magnetic alloy have been investigated.The results have been shown that the alloy is combined with high relative initial permeability of μ(0.08A·m)=14.8×104. low coercivity of Hc=0.6A/m. high saturation magnetic flux density of B800A·m,=1.22 T under the optimum performance with annealing at 535℃, the optimum values of core loss have reached P5·10k=5.6W/kg, P5·20k=17.4W/kg, P5·50k=80W/kg. P5·100k=270W/kg. The alloy has high effective permeability μ'1 in a considerable wide frequency range. The microstructural analysis under X-ray diffraction was detemined that the main crystalline phase in the alloy is xFe-Si solid solution which has ultrafine grain size of d=1 1nm. lattice parameter of a a0=0.2 837nm.